10x Your Income with The 1000% Formula by Brian Tracy
The 1000% formula is based on the law of incremental improvement (Japanese called it the “Kaisan Principle”- the principle of continuous better). Could you improve your productivity, performance, and output by 0.1% per day? Most of you would say ‘Yes’. Guess what? That would being 26% more productive in a year. Assuming your income is proportional to your productivity, you earn 26% more per year. If you do it for 10 years, you will be 1004% better, meaning 10x your income in 10 years.
Here’s the 1000% formula:
Step #1: First Hour of Your Day, Invest in Yourself
Read something uplifting, educational, motivational, or spiritual. Reading is to the mind as exercise is to the body. Read for an hour every morning. You will feel mentally great. If you read 30–50 books a year, it’s equivalent to a doctoral degree.
Step #2: Make a List of Every Thing Your Have to Do That Day
Plan your day in advance. It increases your productivity by 25%.
Step #3: Organise Your List by Priorities
Put numbers beside the tasks. The most important one would be task #1.
Step #4: Start on Your Most Important Task
Work on your most important task single-mindedly with concentration, focus, and discipline, until your most important task is done. Then move to the next task. It increases your productivity by 50%.
Step #5: Listen to Audio Programmes in Your Car
Turn your car into a mobile classroom.
Step #6: Ask Yourself 2 Questions After Every Event
“ What did I do right in that situation?” and “ What would I do differently next time?”. It could be a sales call, an interview, a business meeting, a negotiation... Write down everything. Positive reinforcement guides your mind to behave right next time.
Step #7: Treat Every One You Meet As A Million-Dollar Customer
Treat everyone you work with as if they are the most important person in life. Treat every customer as though they are going to buy a billion dollar worth of products. Treat your friends and family like they are really important people. The more positive you feel about yourself.