Only By Doing Something New and Uncomfortable, Can You Achieve Different Outcomes in Life

Jason Kwan
3 min readDec 5, 2021


Dear Invisible Kids,

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” — Albert Einstein

If you want to reach a new level and have new accomplishments in life, you have to be willing to make sacrifices, and start doing new things.

Anything that you get out of life is a result of what you do every second, every minute, and every day of your life.

If you’re not satisfied with your life, don’t complain, or blame others. Take accountability. Rethink what you can start doing today to plant seeds for a different outcome. Why “plant seeds“? Because I don’t want you guys to believe in overnight success. It takes at least a year of consistent hard work to start seeing a bit of result.

  • It took me a year to get 91 email subscribers.
  • It took me three years to be able to create consultant level powerpoints independently
  • It took me three years to learn how to be a debating coach, and understand in and outs of the game

Recently, I don’t want to work for big Internet companies with such long working hours (approx. 12 hours a day). Did I complain? Yes, but I also started making changes. I started multiple side income streams– blogging, posting articles on medium, posting YouTube videos, making my own physical products, etc. I still haven’t made much money from it, but I believe it’s planting the seeds for future success.

To adopt new habits, you have to be willing to sacrifice and take risks. I have less time to hang out with friends, go out on dates, or play different sports that I enjoy. I spent a lot of solitude time working on my side hustle and staying at home. You only have 24 hours a day, you just got to let certain activities go, and leave time for what’s important.

I would like to end with a story. Last week at my Thai boxing class, the coach asked us to 3 reps of “clapping push-ups x 10”, followed by “shadow boxing x20”. One student raised the question, “Hey coach! After doing all these push-ups, it’s impossible to have extra strength to do the other exercises.” The coach replied, “If you always do what’s comfortable to you, do you think you would ever have the extra strength to go through the training? Only by pushing yourself to throw punches when you are extremely tired, can you gain more muscles and strength. It’s all mental. You need to tell your brain “I can do it!“, “I’m capable!“, and push through your limits. That’s how you improve!” I was so inspired. This applies to every aspect of life. Some people says it’s impossible. Some people choose to push through their boundaries and reach a new level. It’s always your choice.

If you want a better life, start taking new actions and plant seed. Expect there would be risk and sacrifice. But still put in at least a year of consistent hard work. Have a time-log to review what activities could be removed, and block out the time do you need to implement new habits.

Hopefully, I’ll have a better life soon as well, and start making money from my side-hustles.

I love you!


“Dear Invisible Kids” is just an idea of recording my life lessons for my future kids. If they exist in the future, great, they’ll get to know their dad. If they don’t, I guess they remain invisible forever😂. Hopefully, those messages would benefit someone in this world.

P.S. If you want weekly emails on how to become your best self, subscribe here. A free relationship ebook “Mindful Love”+ Tim Ferriss’s workout cheatsheet will be delivered to your inbox immediately.



Jason Kwan
Jason Kwan

Written by Jason Kwan

Personal Development Coach || Business Analyst in JD (China’s Biggest E-commerce Company) || Management Consultant Background

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